What to Expect When You Have an Injury-Causing Car Crash While Out of State - Catalano Law

What to Expect When You Have an Injury-Causing Car Crash While Out of State

Whether you regularly drive out of state for work or are planning a road trip to upstate New York for vacation, driving outside your home state exposes you to the possibility of an out-of-state auto accident.

Car accidents can have serious legal and financial consequences. Consulting an auto accident attorney at Catalano Law can help you understand your rights and responsibilities if you’ve been involved in a car crash in upstate New York.

What to Know About Out-of-State Crashes

Out-of-state crashes can complicate the aftermath of an accident due to differences in state laws, insurance policy specifications, and dealing with multiple jurisdictions.

Here’s what you need to know:

This can be important in no-fault states that require personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, like New York.

You will also need to follow the state’s accident reporting rules, which require you to report an accident within 10 days that results in injury or property damage of more than $1,000.

New York uses pure comparative negligence to determine liability in car accidents. This means you can win a damage award even if you are partially at fault; however, your award will be reduced by your percentage of fault. The state does not cap economic or non-economic damages for car accidents.

Steps to Take in a New York Car Accident

Getting into a car accident can be a stressful experience, particularly when you’re out of state. If you have an injury-causing car crash in upstate New York, take these steps to protect your health and right to compensation:

Seeking immediate medical attention ensures you receive proper diagnoses and treatment. It also creates a record of your injuries and connects them to the collision, which can be crucial in an insurance claim or lawsuit.

For instance, while New York is a no-fault state, you may be able to file for compensation from another driver who caused the accident if your injuries meet the serious injury threshold.

A local attorney from Catalano Law can help you understand your compensation options and represent your interests when communicating with the other driver’s insurance or in New York’s civil court system.

Contact Catalano Law After an Out-of-State Accident

When you get into an accident out of state, working with an experienced local attorney protects your rights. Our car accident lawyers at Catalano Law are familiar with New York auto insurance regulations and the car crash litigation process for out-of-state drivers.  

We can help you navigate your out-of-state accident claim and get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free case evaluation to learn your options after an out-of-state crash.

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