How to Keep Your Family Safe at Water Parks - Catalano Law

How to Keep Your Family Safe at Water Parks

Water parks offer a great way to beat the heat, enjoy adrenaline-pumping slides, and make lasting family memories. But it’s easy to forget that water parks come with risks, including slippery pool surfaces and poorly maintained attractions, that can result in serious injuries.

If you or a family member are injured in a water park accident, an experienced New York lawyer can help you file a compensation claim.

Understanding the Risks Involved

Understanding the risks involved in water park visits is critical to keeping your family safe. Water parks are filled with thrills and spills, but accidents can and do occur.

For instance, slip and fall accidents are quite common. These can happen due to slippery surfaces around the pool, staircases, or attractions. Falls can sometimes result in serious injuries, such as fractures or concussions.

Another common issue is water-related accidents. This could be anything from minor cases of swimmer’s ear to more severe incidents such as near-drownings. There were approximately 8,061 estimated emergency department visits annually due to non-fatal drowning from 2011-2020. Drownings can lead to severe and often permanent disabilities, including brain damage.

Simple Safety Tips for Water Park Visits

Although water park management is responsible for ensuring a safe environment for visitors, families need to take precautions when visiting these attractions. Some safety tips to follow during your day at the park include:

Pay Attention to Weather Reports

Despite the warm summer weather, thunderstorms can still occur, with New York experiencing up to 40 thunderstorms each year, with a higher concentration in the summer months. Storms with lightning can be dangerous and may lead to park evacuations. Check the weather report at the National Weather Service website before heading to the water park to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

What to Do in Case of an Accident

Despite taking precautions, accidents can still happen. If you or a family member gets injured at a water park, you should:

Stay Safe and Know Your Rights with Catalano Law

If you or a loved one experience an unfortunate incident at a water park, the experienced team at Catalano Law can guide you through the legal complexities, advocate for your rights and help you seek the justice you deserve.

Don’t let an injury spoil your family’s future water park adventures. Reach out to Catalano Law for a free consultation.

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