The Most Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents

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The Most Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents

Despite the thrill and freedom associated with riding, the reality is that motorcyclists are more susceptible to injury in an accident compared to occupants of enclosed vehicles. In New York, fatal motorcycle crashes were up 50% from 2019 to 2021, with 204 deaths that year. Motorcycle deaths represented over 18% of all crash fatalities in the state.

Being aware of the typical injuries in motorcycle crashes and knowing which safety gear to use might just save your life while riding. And if you get into an accident, our Syracuse motorcycle accident lawyers at Catalano Law can fight for the compensation you deserve to help your recovery.

Common Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycles don’t have the same safety features as cars, like crumple zones and seat belts. This makes riders more vulnerable to serious injuries in accidents due to negligence or other causes. Common injuries for motorcycle riders include:

  • Road Rash: Road rash occurs when a rider slides across the pavement, causing abrasions on the skin. It often happens during a fall from the bike, especially at high speeds, stripping away layers of clothing and skin. Depending on the severity, it can lead to infections, require skin grafts, and leave permanent scars, affecting your quality of life and physical appearance.
  • Concussions: A concussion is a type of brain injury caused by a sudden, violent shake or impact to the head, common in motorcycle accidents. Symptoms can include headaches, confusion, and memory issues, potentially leading to long-term cognitive and physical effects. This could impact your daily functions and require extended time away from work and activities.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): TBIs are more severe brain injuries that can result from the same impacts as concussions but with more severe effects. This injury can lead to permanent cognitive, physical, and behavioral impairments, requiring long-term medical treatment, rehabilitation, and support. This could affect your ability to work and live independently.
  • Broken Bones and Fractures: Riders often suffer from broken bones and fractures due to the force of collisions or falls. These injuries can range from simple breaks requiring casts to complex fractures needing surgical intervention. Fractures can lead to limited mobility, prolonged physical therapy, and impact your daily life and employment.
  • Spine Injuries: Spine injuries in motorcycle accidents can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, and impaired motor function below the injury site. These injuries occur when the spine is damaged through impact or compression. The effects are often life-changing, requiring adaptations for mobility and daily activities, and ongoing medical care.
  • Internal Injuries: These injuries involve damage to organs and internal bleeding, often not immediately evident without a medical examination. They can result from blunt trauma or penetration injuries in an accident. Internal bleeding can be life-threatening, requiring emergency treatment and prolonged medical intervention like blood transfusions or monitoring.

Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle

One of the best ways to minimize your risk of injury in an accident is to wear proper safety gear. Must-have safety gear for motorcycle riders includes the below items.

Safety GearDescriptionProtectionRequired in NY?
HelmetMade of a hard outer shell and a shock-absorbing inner layer. Look for DOT (Department of Transportation) certification.Protects against potentially fatal head injuries and brain trauma.Yes
Eye ProtectionMade from polycarbonate or other impact-resistant materials. Can be part of a helmet or separate goggles.Protects eyes from debris, wind, and UV light.Yes
Protective ClothingJackets and pants reinforced with abrasion-resistant materials like Kevlar or leather, often with armored padding.Protects skin from road rash and reduces risk of abrasions and lacerations.No
GlovesMade from leather or synthetic materials. May include reinforced palms and knuckle protection.Protects hands from abrasions, improves grip, and reduces vibration.No
BootsMade from sturdy materials like leather, with non-slip soles and ankle protection.Protects feet and ankles from fractures, burns, and abrasions.No
Reflective GearHigh-visibility vests, jackets, or additional reflective strips. Made from reflective materials and fluorescent colors.Increases visibility to other drivers, reducing the risk of collisions.No
Wearable Airbag JacketIncorporates airbag technology within the jacket, which deploys upon impact. Made from abrasion-resistant materials and equipped with sensors.Provides impact protection for the torso, back, and sometimes neck, reducing the risk of severe internal injuries and spinal damage.No

Let Catalano Law Help After a Crash

You might still be involved in a motorcycle accident despite taking every possible precaution. If that happens, our experienced team at Catalano Law is here to support you. We know the unique challenges motorcyclists face and are ready to fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

Whether you’re dealing with medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering from your injuries, we’re by your side every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you get the financial support you need for a full recovery.